
Provide a helper to build menus and breadcrumbs.

Options See on

name string

The helper name

order string

The default order for the children


This plugin registers the nav helper to build navigation stuff like menus and breadcrumbs in your pages.


Import this plugin in your _config.ts file to use it:

import lume from "lume/mod.ts";
import nav from "lume/plugins/nav.ts";

const site = lume();

site.use(nav(/* Options */));

export default site;

The function returns a tree object with the complete site structure using the pages' URLs to define the hierarchy. For example, let's say our site exports the following pages:

  • /
  • /articles/
  • /articles/first-article/
  • /articles/second-article/chapter-1/
  • /articles/second-article/chapter-2/

The object returned by would be like this:

  slug: "",
  data: Data,
  children: [
      slug: "articles",
      data: Data,
      children: [
          slug: "first-article",
          data: Data,
          slug: "second-article",
          children: [
              slug: "chapter-1",
              data: Data,
              slug: "chapter-2",
              data: Data,

Some interesting things:

  • The data property contains the page data object. So you can access to any page variable like data.title or data.url.
  • The item with the slug second-article doesn't have the data value because there isn't any page with the url /articles/second-article/. Note that there are pages inside this url (/articles/second-page/chapter-1/ and /articles/second-page/chapter-2/) that do have the data value.

You can use this object in your templates to build a menu recursively. For example in Nunjucks:

<ul class="menu">
  {{ for item of }}
      {{ include "templates/menu_item.vto" }}
  {{ /for }}

Change the initial URL

If you want to start your menu from a specific page, just include it's url in the first argument:"/articles/");

Filtering and sorting

You can filter and sort the elements of the menu in the same way as the Search plugin. For example, let's build a menu with the english pages, sorted by URL:"/", "lang=en", "url=asc");

The function nav.breadcrumb() returns an array of the parent items until the root. For example, the page /articles/second-article/chapter-2/ returns the following breadcrumb data:

    slug: "chapter-2",
    data: Data,
    slug: "second-article",
    children: [...],
    slug: "articles",
    data: Data,
    children: [...],
    slug: "",
    data: Data,
    children: [...],

We can use this data to generate the breadcrumb with the following Nunjucks code:

  {{ for item of nav.breadcrumb("/articles/second-article/chapter-2") }}
    {{ if }}
      <a href="{{ }}">
        {{ }}
    {{ else }}
      <span>{{ item.slug }}</span>
    {{ /if }}
  {{ /for }}